My Favourite Quotes from “Ike: Countdown to D-Day” (2004)

General Eisenhower: “This isn’t MacArthur’s HQ, where he has to be at the center of everything. We’re a team here. So go get some publicity for the running backs. That is all.
General Eisenhower: “The President is my security leak?
Winston Churchill: “Hardly. But even if he were, he is your superior and my good friend and ally.
General “Beetle” Smith: “He looks cold.
General Eisenhower: “Yeah. But if we get our asses kicked, we won’t be walking across snowy tundra. We’ll have to swim back.
General Omar Bradley: “He doesn’t make weather, Ike. He only talks about it.
General Eisenhower: “Then get him to say nicer things.
101st Airborne Paratrooper: “Nebraska, Sir! Go Cornhuskers!
General Eisenhower: “That’s the wrong team, jumper.